Vision & Mission

Vision Statement

LOTUS KFM's vision is to be a reputable and reliable company with continuous business growth in flour milling across the region.

Mission Statements

LOTUS KFM's mission is to manufacture the highest quality of flour products and to provide services with exceptional value to our customers.
LOTUS KFM will provide a pleasant, nurturing and growth-oriented environment to encourage our employees to improve and to be highly productive.

Quality Policy

LOTUS KFM Berhad is aimed to manufacture the highest quality flour, premix flour and repacked starch and to provide services with exceptional value to our customers by:
• Consistently meeting our customers' and interested parties' requirements and expectations of the product quality nd services;
• Fulfillment of applicable legislative and regulatory requirements;
• Having continual improvement in Quality Management System by complying with ISO 9001 requirements and;
• Provide a pleasant, nurturing and growth-oriented environment to encourage employees to improve and be highly productive.

Food Safety Policy

It is our policy to produce and supply safe food products of agreed quality to consistently meet customer needs and expectations and enhance customer satisfaction.
We strive to achieve growth and a leading position in the market by:
• Supplying safe and hygienic food products in the market;
• Prevention, rather than detection / rectification of unsafe products;
• Complying with requirements regulatory and continually improving the effectiveness of food safety management system;
• Establishing a proper system for internal and external communications;
• Creating an environment of teamwork as well as involvement and providing system awareness to all employees to ensure the competencies.

Halal Policy

Lotus KFM Berhad will always conform to the Malaysian Halal Standards MS1500:2019 in producing its product to ensure the food produced is Halal, clean and safe to consume. The Halal logo included in all our packaging indicates that we are producing our products according to stringent Islamic Law. The integrity of the process starts from the controls of raw materials, manufacturing, packing, storing, and distributing, assuring that our production adheres to the strictest quality.
• Produce & distribute products which have been certified Halal by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).
• Set up Halal Committee to be responsible for all matters pertaining to Halal Certification.
• Provide training and information to staff pertaining to the concept and requirements of Halal.
• Assist Research & Development in developing the new product that is Halal.

Lotus KFM Berhad akan sentiasa menepati Piawaian Halal Malaysia MS1500:2019 dalam penghasilan produk supaya ia adalah Halal, bersih & selamat untuk di makan. Logo Halal yang terdapat pada semua pembungkusan menunjukkan bahawa syarikat menghasilkan produk mengikut Undang-undang Islam secara ketat. Proses halal yang berintegriti ini merangkumi bahagian kawalan bahan mentah, pengilangan, pembungkusan, penyimpanan dan pengedaran, untuk menjamin kualiti produk.
• Menghasilkan & mengedar produk yang disijilkan Halal oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
• Membentuk Ahli Jawatankuasa Halal yang bertanggungjawab dengan perkara berkaitan dengan Pensijilan Halal.
• Memberikan latihan serta maklumat untuk kefahaman dan kesedaran setiap pekerja berkenaan konsep & kepentingan falsafah Halal.
• Membantu Bahagian Penyelidikan & Pembangunan untuk membangunkan produk baru yang dijamin Halal.

**View Halal Policy >>